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Disease Projects (Histology BIOL 315)

Throughout the semester, you will write three papers and create one poster. Each paper will be 3-4 pages in length, and will discuss how a specific disease affects the body’s cells, tissues, and organ systems. Each paper should include the biology of the disease/pathogen, a description of the affected cells/tissues/organs, and a discussion of specifically how the disease affects the target cells/tissues/organs. The poster will follow the same general guidelines, but does not require a formal paper. In addition, one paper will be chosen for an oral in-class presentation (due on the chosen due date). Specific guidelines will be given in class for the papers, poster, and oral presentation. Please see below for the project due dates. Please note that each paper must be submitted via Turnitin, and that all posters will be presented to the department on December 3, 2007.

Project Schedule:

Project 1 September 20, 2007
Project 2 October 11, 2007
Project 3 November 8, 2007
Project 4 November 29, 2007
Poster Presentations December 3, 2007

Formatting details:

Your name
Class name
Professor’s name




To view a sample disease paper, click here.


Copyright 2009 Melinda Ekkens-Villanueva, Ph.D.
Web page created with Dreamweaver CS3.
Page last updated July 26, 2009
*Editor's Note: Columbia Union College was renamed Washington Adventist University on July 1, 2009. Therefore, any reflections or artifacts created prior to July 1, 2009 refer to Columbia Union College.