Student Evaluations
Teacher Evaluation Survey – Microbiology (BIOL 150)
Evaluate your teacher in the area of content expertise, instructional design, instructional delivery, and course management by indicating how strongly you agree or disagree with the statements below. Do not leave any rows blank. If a statement does not apply, please choose "Does Not Apply".
[For all statements, students could choose “strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree, or does not apply”. For the sake of space, options with zero respondents have been removed.]
Content Expertise
Question 1: The teacher demonstrated knowledge, expertise, and professional experience in the subject area.
Strongly Agree 33 (100 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 2: The teacher was aware of and communicated current research and practice in the subject area.
Strongly Agree 29 (87.88 %)
Agree 3 (9.09 %)
Neutral 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Instructional Design
Question 3: The teacher provided a syllabus that detailed course objectives, topics, assignments, and grading practices.
Strongly Agree 30 (90.91 %)
Agree 3 (9.09 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 4: The teacher provided clear criteria for evaluating and grading assignments.
Strongly Agree 28 (84.85 %)
Agree 5 (15.15 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 5: The teacher provided textbooks and/or reading assignments that were well-chosen and appropriate.
Strongly Agree 28 (84.85 %)
Agree 4 (12.12 %)
Neutral 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 6: The teacher challenged me intellectually and improved my critical thinking skills.
Strongly Agree 30 (90.91 %)
Agree 1 (3.03 %)
Neutral 1 (3.03 %)
Disagree 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 7: The teacher used examination questions that were clearly worded and that covered the course objectives.
Strongly Agree 25 (75.76 %)
Agree 5 (15.15 %)
Neutral 3 (9.09 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Instructional Delivery
Question 8: The organization of course subject matter contributed to student mastery of course objectives.
Strongly Agree 23 (69.7 %)
Agree 9 (27.27 %)
Disagree 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 9: The teacher made clear and understandable presentations.
Strongly Agree 25 (75.76 %)
Agree 8 (24.24 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 10: The teacher increased student interest in the subject matter.
Strongly Agree 23 (69.7 %)
Agree 7 (21.21 %)
Neutral 2 (6.06 %)
Disagree 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 11: The teacher involved students in actively learning the material.
Strongly Agree 24 (75 %)
Agree 8 (25 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 12: The teacher encouraged students to study and put effort into the course.
Strongly Agree 25 (75.76 %)
Agree 7 (21.21 %)
Neutral 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 13: The teacher exhibited a professional relationship with students.
Strongly Agree 30 (90.91 %)
Agree 3 (9.09 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 14: The teacher was helpful, responsive, and showed concern for student progress.
Strongly Agree 27 (81.82 %)
Agree 3 (9.09 %)
Neutral 3 (9.09 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Course Management
Question 15: The teacher presented the curriculum at an appropriate pace.
Strongly Agree 24 (72.73 %)
Agree 4 (12.12 %)
Neutral 3 (9.09 %)
Disagree 1 (3.03 %)
Strongly Disagree 1 (3.03 %)
Does Not Apply 0 (0 %)
Question 16: The teacher was well organized and managed the course effectively.
Strongly Agree 26 (78.79 %)
Agree 6 (18.18 %)
Disagree 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 17: The teacher was prepared for each class.
Strongly Agree 32 (96.97 %)
Agree 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 18: The teacher effectively facilitated classroom learning activities.
Strongly Agree 27 (81.82 %)
Agree 5 (15.15 %)
Neutral 1 (3.03 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 19: The teacher provided timely feedback and written comments on assignments and exams
Strongly Agree 26 (78.79 %)
Agree 5 (15.15 %)
Neutral 2 (6.06 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 20: The teacher always notified students in advance if they could not meet a scheduled class period, and was rarely tardy or absent.
Strongly Agree 27 (81.82 %)
Agree 3 (9.09 %)
Does Not Apply 3 (9.09 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Classroom Facilities
Question 21: The classroom had appropriate equipment with chairs and tables appropriately arranged.
Strongly Agree 23 (69.7 %)
Agree 8 (24.24 %)
Neutral 2 (6.06 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 22: The classroom location was appropriate.
Strongly Agree 22 (66.67 %)
Agree 7 (21.21 %)
Neutral 2 (6.06 %)
Disagree 2 (6.06 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 23: The class size (number of students) was appropriate.
Strongly Agree 25 (75.76 %)
Agree 6 (18.18 %)
Neutral 2 (6.06 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Question 24: The classroom environment was appropriate (air conditioning, heating, lighting, ventilation, noise).
Strongly Agree 18 (54.55 %)
Agree 10 (30.3 %)
Neutral 3 (9.09 %)
Disagree 2 (6.06 %)
* All other answers had zero respondents.
Course Related Activities
Question 25: Please indicate the approximate amount of time you spent each week in individual reading and study.
Less than 1 hour 3 (9.09 %)
1-3 hours 13 (39.39 %)
4-10 hours 12 (36.36 %)
11-16 hours 1 (3.03 %)
16+ hours 4 (12.12 %)
Does Not Apply 0 (0 %)
Question 26: Please indicate the approximate amount of time you spent each week online at CUC's Electronic Library Resources.
Less than 1 hour 10 (30.3 %)
1-3 hours 18 (54.55 %)
4-10 hours 3 (9.09 %)
11-16 hours 2 (6.06 %)
16+ hours 0 (0 %)
Does Not Apply 0 (0 %)
Question 27: Please indicate the approximate amount of time you spent each week in the library and in other research activities.
Less than 1 hour 9 (27.27 %)
1-3 hours 15 (45.45 %)
4-10 hours 4 (12.12 %)
11-16 hours 4 (12.12 %)
16+ hours 1 (3.03 %)
Does Not Apply 0 (0 %)
Question 28: Please indicate the approximate amount of time you spent each week in group activities.
Less than 1 hour 8 (24.24 %)
1-3 hours 19 (57.58 %)
4-10 hours 3 (9.09 %)
11-16 hours 3 (9.09 %)
16+ hours 0 (0 %)
Does Not Apply 0 (0 %)
Additional Questions
Question 29: What grade do you expect to receive?
A 18 (54.55 %)
B 10 (30.3 %)
C 5 (15.15 %)
D 0 (0 %)
F 0 (0 %)
Question 30: What is your class level?
Senior 2 (6.06 %)
Junior 12 (36.36 %)
Sophomore 15 (45.45 %)
Freshman 4 (12.12 %)
Question 31: What was your attendance record?
Never missed 11 (33.33 %)
Missed 1 or 2 classes 17 (51.52 %)
Missed 3 or 4 classes 4 (12.12 %)
Missed 5 or more classes 1 (3.03 %)
Question 32: Why did you enroll in this course?
Required for major 30 (90.91 %)
Required for General Education 1 (3.03 %)
Course or instructor recommended by others 1 (3.03 %)
Interested in topic 0 (0 %)
Other 1 (3.03 %)
Question 33: What did you like about this course? (30 words or less)
- I liked that the course was well organized and that the professor had knowledge about everything discussed.
- helpful
- everything
- Other than being very informative, I found this class to be very interesting after I was enrolled
- the subject area
- Extra credit
- Applying facts to every day life
- I got a lot information about microorganisms that have positive and negative impact on human health.
- It is an interactive course.
- How this course was taught, and connection with current news.
- the way the teacher was involved
- everything the teacher was helpful and very concern about the students
- it was alright
- it helps to know more about microorganisms that can cause disease.
- excellent professor
- i like the topics covered. they were very interesting. I enjoyed how the material was taught and i also enjoyed the hands-on lab.
- That she made everything available online and I actually obtained information from this class.
- Dr. V - she is an excellent and nurturing teacher who cares very much about her students. She made a big difference in what I think about microbiology.
- Teacher was very knowledgeable
- nothing
- The course was interesting and provided a lot of new knowledge of different microbiology subjects.
- It was very intriguing and interesting. I learned a lot about bacteria and loved learning how to recognize them.
- I learned a lot
- The topics covered was very interesting. I was always anxious to know more about the particular subject at hand.
- Able to connect my concepts to with material learned.
- The subject was presented in a interesting way.
- learning about the different diseases and pathogens that bacteria cause.
- I learned a lot of things that I couldn't even imagine was true.
- its an interesting course because it has to do with what we face every day
- Dr V prayed for us before every class session.
- nothing
- learning about the different pathogens that could cause infections and disease.
Question 34: How would you improve this course? (30 words or less)
- This class does not need improvement.
- slower pace
- nothing
- Maybe a outline on the chalkboard during labs so we can see exactly what we need to do next
- less work
- I would allow more extra credit assignments and less assignments throughout the week.
- using audiovisual aids help more to understand the subject matter.
- Nothing typed up lab reports
- n/a
- easier tests...just joking
- nothing
- please make sure the review sheets have to do with the quizzes you give
- using some more audiovisual teaching aids helps a lot to know about the subject matter.
- less work =)
- too much work!
- N/A
- Nothing
- Nothing really
- Studying more
- Fine as it is.
- Good as it is.
- less work
- Its good as is
- Nothing
- The subject was presented in an interesting way.
- Make it more fun.
- I guess by having more group activities.
- its perfect and very engaging
- more group assignments
- way too much work. most of the work was distracting and didn't allow much time to be spent on actually studying the chapters. we were to busy doing case studies and mini projects that you did for a grade not because you actually wanted to learn anything.
- make it more fun!!!
Question 35: Would you recommend this course to others?
- yes. [17 students]
- Yes. Dr. V is a great teacher, she expresses a lot of interest in the students progress. Dr. V is one of the best teachers at this school.
- I would definitely recommend this class to others. Just as long as they're up for a fair challenge.
- it is very helpful to know about how to keep our life healthy, and I recommend it to other students.
- Only if they're ready to do work!
- i Guess!
- yes! definitely!
- yes off course, but i would warn them about all the work we have to do
- Yes, because teacher is very understanding..
- Less Assignments.
- definitely
- Yes definitely it was very insightful and detailed.
- Definitely it was very interesting
- Yes I would.
- i would recommend they have another teacher and take it at a community college where teachers are optional not because they are short staffed.
- I would recommend this course because its exciting but only to those who are interested in the subject.