Teaching Standard F:
Teachers of science actively participate in the ongoing planning and development of the school science program.
In addition to planning and developing their own science curriculum, science teachers should actively participate in the ongoing planning and development of the school science program. This is important in order to develop a well-rounded program that is aligned with national and state standards. Additionally, by contributing to the planning, the teacher remains connected to the other components of their discipline while gaining insight into their place within the overall school program.
The ongoing planning and development of the school science program includes decisions regarding allocation of time, space, and physical and financial resources. These decisions impact accreditation as the science program conforms to state and national standards. Additionally, the science teacher should take part in planning and implementing professional growth and development strategies as these activities can enhance teaching effectiveness.
I have contributed to the ongoing planning and development of the Columbia Union College* science program by developing or modifying several courses; both major and general education courses. As a demonstration of my development of a new course at Columbia Union College, I have included the syllabus for the Immunology (BIOL 494) course. The syllabus for the Senior Seminar (BIOL 491/CHEM 491) course illustrates the major modification of the course with the addition of the service-learning project at G.E. Peters.
While contributing to the growth and development of the overall science curriculum, it is important that science teachers not neglect their own professional growth and development. For samples of my professional growth and development activities, please see my reading list and the list of professional meetings that I have attended.